As of Friday, May 31, 2024, the I-405 Improvement Project helpline will no longer be available. If you need to reach the 405 Outreach team, please email or call (800) 724-0353.
⚠️ A partir del viernes 31 de mayo de 2024, la línea de ayuda del Proyecto de Mejora de la I-405 ya no estará disponible. Si necesita comunicarse con el equipo de extensión comunitaria 405, envíe un correo electrónico a o llame al (800) 724-0353.
⚠️ Kể từ thứ Sáu, ngày 31 tháng 5 năm 2024, đường dây hỗ trợ Dự Án Cải Thiện Xa Lộ I-405 sẽ không còn hoạt động. Nếu quý vị cần liên lạc với Đội Ngũ Tiếp Cận 405, vui lòng gửi email đến hoặc gọi số (800) 724-0353.
OCTA in cooperation with Caltrans is improving 16 miles of the San Diego Freeway (I-405) between State Route 73 (SR-73) and Interstate 605 (I-605). It also will construct the 405 Express Lanes from SR-73 to I-605. The new express lanes – incorporating the existing carpool lanes and connectors that opened in 2014 – will be two lanes in each direction.
I-405 Improvement Project Interactive 360° Videos
Contact the 405 Community Outreach Team
Project by the Numbers
The $2.16 billion OC Go project, Measure M, being constructed in cooperation with Caltrans, will be funded mostly through a combination of local, state and federal funds, with the express lanes portion of the Project paid for by those who choose to pay a toll and use the 405 Express Lanes.
OC go sales tax funds
State Funds
federal TIFIA
Federal Funds
Project Partners

- Caltrans
- 40 separate utility owners
- Orange County Flood Control
- Union Pacific Railroad
- Army Corps of Engineers
- U.S. Navy
- Emergency service providers such as police and fire
- Costa Mesa
- Fountain Valley
- Westminster
- Huntington Beach
- Garden Grove
- Long Beach
- Los Alamitos
- Seal Beach
- Community of Rossmoor