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Street Improvement Projects

Under OC Go (also known as Measure M2), OCTA administers the Comprehensive Transportation Funding Program (CTFP).

OCTA and OCGO Logo DarkBlue

Comprised primarily of OC Go funds, the CTFP can also include state/federal funding sources such as the Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP) and supplemental State-Local Partnership Program (SLPP) funds.

The CTFP offers a collection of competitive grant programs to local agencies to assist in funding street improvements varying from transit expansion to environmental mitigation projects. OCTA issues an annual call for projects to utilize OC Go and any available state/federal funds for the RCP and RTSSP. See below for more information on the different programs made possible by the CTFP.

Street Improvements Competitive Grants

Project P - Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Project (RTSSP)

RTSSP objectives:
  • Synchronize traffic signals across jurisdictions
  • Monitor and regularly improve the synchronization
  • Synchronize signals on a corridor basis reflecting existing traffic patterns in contiguous zones or road segments that have common operations
Project P - Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Project (RTSSP)

Project O - Arterial Capacity Enhancements (ACE)

ACE objectives:
  • Complete MPAH network through gap closures and construction of missing segments
  • Relieve congestion by providing additional roadway capacity where needed
  • Provide timely investment of OC Go revenues
  • Leverage funding from other sources
Project O - Intersection Capacity Enhancements (ICE)

Project O - Intersection Capacity Enhancements (ICE)

ICE objectives:
  • Improve MPAH network capacity and throughput along MPAH facilities
  • Relieve congestion at MPAH intersections by providing additional turn and through lane capacity
  • Improve connectivity between neighboring jurisdictions by improving operations
  • Provide timely investment of OC Go revenues
Project O - Freeway Arterial/Streets Transitions (FAST)

Project O - Freeway Arterial/Streets Transitions (FAST)

FAST objectives:
  • Improve transition to and from Orange County Freeways
  • Provide timely investment of OC Go revenues
Project O - Arterial Capacity Enhancements (ACE)

Related Guidelines and References