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Climate Adaptation and Sustainability Plan

In anticipation of changing environmental circumstances, OCTA is committed to proactively responding and adapting by planning for climate impacts and creating more resilient infrastructures. OCTA is also dedicated to minimizing its own contributions to climate change by integrating principles of environmental sustainability throughout the organization that improve the planet, support society, and promote prosperity.

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Plan Highlights

  • Supports the Board and CEO Initiatives
  • Builds upon OCTA’s existing and ongoing efforts
  • Aligns with local, state, and federal policies, plans, and regulations
  • Strategically positions OCTA for potential funding opportunities
  • Inventories OCTA’s greenhouse gas emissions
  • Identifies and assesses potential climate hazards to OCTA assets
  • Recommends adaptation and emissions reduction measures and strategies for OCTA's consideration
  • Outlines guiding principles to achieve effective, coordinated climate action
  • Provides a reporting framework to track, measure, and communicate progress over time

Throughout the development of the CASP, OCTA convened with both internal and external stakeholders. The Internal Advisory Group was comprised of OCTA staff representing various divisions and departments, while the External Advisory Group included representatives from local and regional agencies, such as cities and other local public transportation agencies. OCTA will continue to engage and coordinate with stakeholders and keep them informed of any related follow-on activities, studies, and/or projects. Additionally, OCTA will work with local jurisdictions as needed to ensure future climate and sustainability efforts are aligned with local, regional, and state goals and plans.